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Quality, speed, Cost. Choose 3.

A senior WordPress developer with additional experience as a graphic designer, marketer, app developer, and team and project manager. Available as a consultant, mentor, or doing work for hire.

Professional WordPress Developer

15 years of experience working with outside clients and in-house teams

Full-stack developer

With experience in HTML, CSS, PHP, JS, MySQL, React, Typescript, and plugins like Woocommerce, Gravity Forms, Elementor, ACF, and many others

Plugin creator

Creator of a number of WordPress plugins with complex fields, user generated content, custom APIs, and theme injection

Great team player

Practicing supportive leadership with a focus on shared goals, happily documenting code and processes to share with your team

Who Am I?

Since 2007 I’ve worked primarily in WordPress — as an in-house employee and also directing an agency with clients in the U.S.

Deep dives into WordPress front-end and back-end development has given me skills in many areas relating to WordPress.

My work has also included SEO, performance optimization (see the report for this site), graphic design, copywriting, marketing, video filming and editing, website migration and server administration.

I live in Nevada City, California, and work remotely.

Featured Projects

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

Ananda Designs

An innovative solution to the question of using more than two themes at a time. A Woocommerce-compatible multi-website, multi-year project that ran on around 40 in-house sites.


Site manager and lead developer for a worldwide movement for sharing meditation, yoga, and spiritual teachings with over 16 million visits.

The Ananda App

Lead developer, designer, and project manager for an app that helps people stay around the world stay inspired. Uses React Native.

Sidekick WP

Sidekick WP is a tool to help you create content more quickly — it's a WordPress plugin using OpenAI's GPT-3.

Kitten Delivery Service

For this experimental website, I did the graphic design as well as the development. The concept is simple — one story about a kitten every day, sent to subscriber’s emails.
For 14 years I've always been impressed with Nabha's knowledge, speed, and lack of compromise when it comes to delivering good results. I consider lucky anybody who gets to count on his services.
Vayu Castelli
Director of Technology and Innovation at Ananda Sangha Worldwide

Get in touch

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